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Friday, April 2, 2010

The Introduction

I sit on this bed. Eating a cup of Maggie Mee. -chicken flavoured- Beside me are piles of comforters, blankets, clothes, clothes, and clothes. with A Pair of Hush Puppies shoes on top.

-Ouh, just so u know, this is a blog where grammars and capitalizations do not matter. this Blog is free from english writing Rules.(?)

And yes, that is just a covered up by a 18 year old asian kid who sucks at everything. :)-

The room's floor is covered with well, more clothes, chairs, stool, files, books, a big green luggage, backpacks, handbangs, usb cables, bottles, glasses( as in for drinks) , in other words, its a chaos.

And the room is only lit, by one, covered lamp shade. So its pretty much Dark, but i like this way. why? 1. by nature i like dark places. AND NO IM NOT SOMEGOTHKIDOREMO.
2. i feel way safer, its like, i own the space sort of speak. 3.Because i dimmed my laptop, so its easier for me to see this way. haha

   Do u know John Green? Do you read Paper Town? no? if yes, then probably you would say that, istealthisstyleofwritingfromhim. BUT! well, i do actually, and i pretty much like it, i mean who wouldnt? its so natural. its how you talk to yourself, or rather, with everyone else.

so Who is This Asian Boy you asked? well, actually, im not gonna tell you, just like my room, i like my privacy on the internet, so im just gonna write and you read well aite? :)

well actually a few people know, except if u are a stanger then you wouldnt know. This blog would be all about me. just me. well, my life basically. :D

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